
68 Audio Reviews

40 w/ Responses


This is badass, but I'd say this more along the lines of Pop/Dance. I love it, though, broski. It fondles my insides and makes me want to take off my clothes...

Check that first bass note/line

The first measure, the bass sounds out of tune. Other than that, these four measures aren't bad.

Thislebrush responds:

Okie dokie artichokie c: -teehee-

will do c:

it's not close to done yet so I'm just slowly working on it! Thanks for looking/listening. c:

Notation = Good; Instrumentation = (?)

I feel like this belongs in an episode of House. What I'd actually suggest is changing the instruments you're using for the opening lead... sounds like a sort of lame brass synth. The other synth that comes in at 00:34 just doesn't sound all that great either.

The atmosphere you're posing here is quite nice and the notation is superb, but I just feel those instruments chosen contrast it too much. Just an experimental suggestion, try seeing if making the drums at 2:00 hollow sounding like in the intro... maybe it'll sound badass. I dunno. Just a thought.

But yea, that's about as constructive as I can get at this point...

AdventureBiscuit responds:

Thanks man.

Yeah, I never thought the instruments really fitted together, but every time I tried to change it, I would end up ruining it. I probably didn't try hard enough though.

Thanks for actually bothering to suggest ways to improve it; you know what most people are like on newgrounds.

And House music is pretty cool. I'm flattered :D

Thanks again, man.


"Burrito Song"? LMAO, sounds like an interesting theme for Speedy Gonzalez if he had his own Sega Genesis racing game or something.

I felt a bit dry, like it need percussion or something, since the rhythm section feels kinda empty with just the single instrument.

laminationman responds:

thanks for the advice! i didn't put any percussion because it always seems to overpower everything and plus i'm not very good at it. But I'll try putting more rythm in my next one.

Gettin' Somewhere

I read your comments, and basically you and I have the world in common with musical background.

My suggestion with this piece, work on EQ'ing it a little better. The synth strings seem a bit too loud. I'd also suggest different synths altogether, but that is more-so b/c I'm not a fan of the genre.

If the atmosphere from 1:08 - 1:35 was used more often, I'd probably really get into this piece. But I digress, good work, just needs a bit more work in the EQ'ing.

Good job.

Notationally, the arrangements were quite beautiful, especially the outro. Unfortunately, the MIDI sound doesn't give great pieces like this much justice either. Looking passed that aspect, I'd say the only real fault is the piece ending so abruptly at certain areas.

Find a way to bridge those sections together, because the sound is quite excellent. Finding a great orchestral VST like Edirol orchestra would make this an amazing composition.

TJ4477 responds:

Alright well I'll take ya up on your sugestion.
sorry at the time you posted I didn't care, also I can't edit it any more.
ALAS from the time of the post to the time of now my computer's memory has been....ERASED.
Woe is me Oh woe is me Thy shan't be forgoten MEDI file thy memory remains with those who it matters most.


If you could actually work this out as a full loop, I'd definitely be impressed. As it stands, sounds like a badass theme for an intro or cut-scene in Battletoads.

Since I hail David Wise as a musical god, that's saying quite a bit about this piece.

This riff is a keeper

I think the way you played out those chords sounded pretty badass. A nifty little arpeggio. This doesn't sound like a real 'loop', though since it ends pretty abruptly. Definitely save this riff for a badass chorus in a song and just come up with a verse and a bridge.

Other than that, I'm definitely envying your soundfonts, or w/e it is you're using for guitar and drums....


This is a perfect little loop. It's catchy and quite fancy; and I was actually browsing around on the forums and had this on for like six mins straight.

I will dock a point, however, b/c I seriously find that Mario sliding sound annoying. It just doesn't seem to add anything to the piece... although it sounded like you were trying to use that as a crash cymbal or something.

Sounds like Chris Carraba

Just curious as to why you're using to record your acoustic. The audio quality is pretty nice.

Penguin Heroes MUSIC

Chris @iHeartQuistis

Age 36, Male

Theologian of Peace


United States

Joined on 8/29/09

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